It is a sad reality, but far too often, nursing homes are places of abuse and neglect. These facilities are entrusted with the comfort and care of our loved ones who require constant attention and cannot care for themselves. Unfortunately, this also makes them vulnerable. Forgotten or neglected nursing home patients have too frequently been physically or mentally harmed, robbed, humiliated, or have even died, due to the actions of the facilities’ staff. It is thus very important that family members maintain a vigilant eye for signs of abuse when visiting loved ones and contact a nursing home abuse attorney if they suspect a family member is being neglected or abused.
In Polk County, Georgia, an elderly woman’s family admitted her to a rehabilitation clinic after she fractured her leg. The family was expecting her to be there for a few weeks or months to allow her leg to heal and go through physical therapy; but tragically, and to the family’s shock, the woman died a little over three months after being admitted to the rehabilitation center. There was evidence of neglect and mistreatment: the woman’s leg was unattended and became infected. The infection spread and led to the amputation of her leg. Despite the amputation, the infection ultimately killed the woman.
The family argued that the nursing home was understaffed, and that what little staff they did have was under qualified and ill-equipped to care for the woman, which ultimately led to her death. The Polk Country Superior Court agreed; according to, the court ordered the nursing home to pay the woman’s family $2 million.
Have you or a family member been a victim of nursing home abuse? If so, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your physical injuries, as well as any emotional trauma and financial hardship caused by the accident. Call us 24/7 at 617-787-3700, or email us at for your free and confidential consultation.