There are many forms of nursing home abuse and elder neglect that loved ones of residents at nursing homes need to be aware of and pay attention to. These include physical problems or injuries, such as bruises, welts, wounds, lacerations, dental problems, head injuries, broken bones or pressure sores. They also may include emotional and psychological signs of injury. Regarding non-physical abuse, loved ones need to make sure they pay close attention to how their loved one behaves around other staff members and fellow nursing home residents. That could be a telling sign of who is behind any abusive behavior.
Financial exploitation of older adults is also too common in nursing homes and costs older Americans more than $2.6 billion each year. To guard against this, make sure you can access your loved one’s bank accounts, credit cards and other financial records. You’ll want to monitor any unauthorized charges or suspicious expenses to make sure that your loved one is not being financially abused. There may also be a problem brewing if your questions are left unresolved or ignored. If you suspect abuse, either by a staff member or another resident, immediately speak to a manager or supervisor at the facility. If your concerns aren’t taken seriously, it may be a sign of an even greater problem.
Choosing to move a loved one into a nursing home is never an easy decision. You need to do your research, visit the facility, and feel confident you’ve made the right choice. The prospect of physical or emotional abuse may be far from your mind. Unfortunately, however, elder abuse in nursing homes does occur. If abuse does occur, do not hesitate to contact one of the experienced nursing home abuse lawyers at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to find out what legal remedies you and your loved ones are entitled to. An injury attorney can be reached by phone 24/7 at 617-787-3700 or by email at Your needs are our top priority.